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Spring Cleaning

As we venture out into our yards, noticing the green shoots protruding from the winter grey, the hope of shedding layers to emerge refreshed and lighter is maybe strongest.

I am enjoying a strong yoga practice and quickly reaping the rewards in reduced aches and pains and more effortless postural alignment. The detoxifying effects from the twists and the sweating is also appreciated.

The bonus is the inner calm and mental clarity it affords me at a time when stress management is very needed. I'm glad for this boost.

Running is another way to reduce stress and detoxify. The vibration from running is so key for lymph drainage and ideally, you are out in nature getting sun and fresh (as possible) air into you.

Let's breathe deeply, whether in a yoga class or out on a run, and feel how great it is to be alive! If we are healthy enough for either of these habits, we are beyond blessed at this time in our lives.

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